The House of Levi is a forum strictly for Ministers’ and Elders’ children. It all started in January 2005 through a burning desire in the hearts of some Ministers’ children to address the issues and challenges surrounding Ministers’ and elders’ children. We observed that most are wayward, some are tools in the hands of the devil, some come to church as mere formality and those who are born again are passive in the house of God. Only a handful was born again and active in God’s vineyard. This was in contrast to the Levites in the Bible who were the priests, not just them but their entire household and lineage.This burden became a reality in January 2011 and the House of Levi was established. Since then, we have had at least three (3) meetings per year and our first conference held in January 2013. By the grace of God lives have been touched through these programs. Our goals are:To build our relationship with GodTo foster better relationships with our parentsTo fellowship together to address and find solutions to the issues peculiar to the Ministers’ homesTo go after our mates: fellow ministers’ children who are bound by Satan, in a bid to rescue themTo grow to the point where we see God’s work as our priestly inheritance and rejoice in working for God.Although the age limit is set at 13 years and above, it is not only for teenagers but for adults as well as we have married men and women and ministers in this fellowship. It is for everyone who has at least one parent as an ordained elder or minister in the Church.We believe that God will continue to sustain us and expand this vision to touch more lives and restore families.